Saturday, September 19, 2009


Apparently I really suck at updating my blog. A lot has gone down since I last updated, but the most important would be the fact that I got a positive pregnancy test yesterday! Ahhhh! I first tested back on Tuesday morning because I wanted to see a negative result before I went out and got trashed for Mexican Indpendence Day. And it was worth it, we had a really really bad ass time. I love boxing. And I love the month of September in Mexico... here I was thinking people were proud to be from Texas. Oh no, the whole country of Mexico turns tri-colors during September. There´s just excitement in the air and a ton of brown pride. Plus the lights and decorations on the Municipal building are way cool. Still need to get over there and take some pics...
So, thanks to a dear friend who peer pressured me into to peeing on a stick, I did.
Here it is for what it´s worth. I swear I am not a nut and there IS a 2nd line. The ghetto blackberry camera just wasn´t cooperating.
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And here is how I suprised the husband. I had the bib and the test on top of the toilet to see when he woke up.
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So yeah. We are thrilled. Salome is especially just over the moon. He´s already kissing my tummy. We feel so blessed to have the chance to be pregnant again and really hope this is it for us. We want to take the baby home this time. Please say some extra prayers for us if you have them.

What´s next you ask? Well, here is my plan for this pregnancy. I just called and made an appointment for 7:30AM (could it be ANY earlier?) Monday morning with an ENGLISH speaking doctor (score!) to do some bloodwork to confirm it. I am choosing not to do a second or third round of bloodwork to see if my numbers are doubling. Just not gonna do it. I am going for the naive, first-time pregnant approach. Let the dr. tell you you´re knocked up, ask your questions, take a little advice, and then I want to schedule a semi-early ultrasound around 8 weeks and find out then. All the numbers and early ultrasounds and stress really don´t make a difference in the end. What will be will be. I just really hope I have a strong healthy baby with a beating heart. I want to go to sleep and wake up in 20 weeks and find out I am having a boy, that sounds perfect!

So, for now, I just pray and wait. And repeat these to myself daily:

-Today I am pregnant and I love my baby.
-I am pregnant until someone tells me otherwise
-My past does not dictate my future. A previous m/c does not mean I will have another m/c.
-Just because something sad is happening to a friend, does not mean it will happen to you. We all know m/c and complications are not contagious!
-Hope does not make bad things happen. You cannot ‘jinx’ your pregnancy by creating a ticker coutndown, getting excited, or telling someone. Live in the positive!
-There is nothing I can do to prevent a m/c from happening. Worrying myself sick doesn't prevent a m/c. And if (God forbid) it were to happen again, I know I will survive.

1 comment:

  1. Today you are pregnant and "I" love your baby, too!! I hope this is it for you Katie!



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About Me

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♥ I took my first breath July 23, 1986. My name is Katherine, but everyone knows me as Katie. I am married to a wonderful man. I took his last name on March 15, 2008. I currently live in Cancun, Mexico, which has been my greatest adventure to date. And this is our story about trying to make a baby after two unsuccessful tries. The end. ♥