Friday, October 9, 2009

Introducing..... frijolito!!!

So, overall everything went just fabulous at the ultrasound! I noticed his little heartbeat right away, before the dr. even had a chance to say anything! Yessss!
Side note - I will continue to use he, him, his, until I am told it is pink.
His heartbeat rate was 108, which is a bit slow for my liking, so I get a follow up ultrasound next Wednesday. He measured at 6weeks 2days and I would have been 6weeks 5days based on my last missed period, but I can deal with that. That means his little corazon JUST started beating : ) My progesterone was working. The doc showed it to me on the screen all colorfied and stuff. But he sent me in yesterday to have it drawn again in case I needed supplements - and I did. The initial draw was 12.3 and it´s only risen to 12.4. I know it´s low, but I am not going to let myself Google where it SHOULD be because I don´t want any more stress than I already have(alot). I am just going to try even harder to eat right and make him grow big and strong like his daddy. I am almost tempted to take 2 pills instead of 1 haha. I want it to rise and maintain my pregnancy, despite the medical debate of whether the supplements even help with that.


Now for the fun part.... pics!

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And he was being shy and facing the other direction, so I outlined his head, shoulder, tail (knees and toes)

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About Me

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♥ I took my first breath July 23, 1986. My name is Katherine, but everyone knows me as Katie. I am married to a wonderful man. I took his last name on March 15, 2008. I currently live in Cancun, Mexico, which has been my greatest adventure to date. And this is our story about trying to make a baby after two unsuccessful tries. The end. ♥