Saturday, June 12, 2010

One Month

Dear Gabriel,
You are a whole month old today. Thirty days since I first saw your sweet little face, thirty days since my whole life changed forever. It really has gone so fast and makes me wonder if I will say the same thing when you turning thirty years old.

Your first week we just kind of hung out and got to know each other while I tried to get better from the surgery. You got to meet your grandma and grandpa and you loved that. To be honest, you pretty much stole everyone’s hearts. And you sure did eat and sleep a lot. We took you out on the town and to the Dr. where we were told just how perfect you were. Then for lunch you got a special treat – some lovin from a Hooters girl. Boobs, your fave!

Your second week of life your Grams from Texas had to leave us and go back home. We were both sad about it. Me and your daddy got used to the fact there was a baby around. It was still kind of hard to believe. We waited SO LONG for you to get here!

We rang in your third week in on vacation. You got to take your first trip to the beach, which was something I dreamed of often when I was pregnant with you. Since you dig a nice warm bath, you thought the ocean was alright... Until an explosion came out from underneath you and we had to take you out REAL fast.

Some days seemed a little long but now looking back on it, I can’t believe just how quickly these four weeks came and went. I am loving figuring you out and learning new things to love about you. Each new day you amaze me by doing something even cooler than the day before. I’m figuring out your grunts, cries, coos, sighs, whines, etc. I also learned that sometimes you don’t just cry when you are hungry, you wake up mid-nap and whine cause you need to fart.

Gabe, I love how little you are right now and it makes me sad that you will never be this little again. Thank you for the best thirty days of my entire life.
Love you forever and always,

Let me re-introduce myself

I'm Katie and I am the world's worst blog updater. I had my son Gabriel David Franco a day late for Mother's Day. He arrived on June 11, 2010 at 10:43pm and was 6.5 pound and 19.7 inches long. I will fill in the gaps when I get a second. But today he is one month and one day old!


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About Me

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♥ I took my first breath July 23, 1986. My name is Katherine, but everyone knows me as Katie. I am married to a wonderful man. I took his last name on March 15, 2008. I currently live in Cancun, Mexico, which has been my greatest adventure to date. And this is our story about trying to make a baby after two unsuccessful tries. The end. ♥