Saturday, July 10, 2010

Hi, welcome back to my blog.

It order for it to make sense I think you should scroll down and start at the beginning of today and work your way up. I am not that smart to figure out how to rearrange them. Thank you : ) Happy reading!

On May 28th (the original due date)

I got shat on for the first time. Thanks Gabe. Guess it was his way of saying welcome to motherhood.

My Postpartum Body - 2 weeks PP

05-25-2010 at 1:54 PM

So life PP has been pretty good to me. My hormones were a total disaster and I was an emotional wreck for about 5 days. Now I'm normal and far from any signs of PPD. I was worried for a quick sec. Now I am more motivated than ever to become a hot mom and wife and this decreased appetite helps. So does being a cow and milking my offspring. I don't know how much I've lost (don't own a scale) but my mom said she thinks a good 15 or 20 pounds just by looking at me. I gained 30something pounds - 13 kilos. And my rock hard porno mom boobs didn't last : ( I never stood a chance. Oh and I wasn't lucky enough for them to even out. Leftie still takes the crown as the bigger one.

37.4 weeks pregnant - on the way to the hospital

2 weeks PP

Another shot - the thighs and kangaroo pouch still need some work.

My c-sec scar

RIP belly button and ring. You are stretched out and loose now, but at least our friend the vagina isn't.

ANNNNNND last but certainly not least, meet Jesus and his deciples. (Jesus is the big one right to the left of the linea negra, which is way more negra now) Ahh, stretchmarks. I guess I am lucky that there aren't too many and they are white. They should blend in well when I get tan.

Are you grossed out yet? Be glad I didn't deliver vaginally.

Mom Boobs

I just have to say - they aren't this big still. Booo!

05-14-2010 at 9:24 AM
Quick update on me and Gabe (tig ole bitties mentioned)

Look what I finally got!!! Mom boobs!

My milk has come in. Breastfeeding is going *well* Hopefully I didn't just jinx it by saying that. He is a hungry little fart though. I woke up pretty much every 2 hours to feed him. But overall the first night home went well. I'm not as exhausted as I thought I would be. I automatically woke up and had energy when I heard him cry. And he doesn't fuss unless he's seriously hungry. He usually only stays awake long enough to feed on one side, but I have gotten both in a few times. I'm gonna start pumping today. My nips are sore, but not excruciating pain or anything. He has a really strong grip so only when he's actually feeding it's sore. But I love him so much and I know it's giving him what he needs so I forget about it. He has some serious gas but we have some drops for it. And I got to change the first poop diaper last night and boy was that an experience! He kept going and going and going - 3 diapers worth til we finally got him nice and clean. I also got to take my first poop since delivery. Wasn't as bad as I expected. I was afraid to push because my scar is still a little sore. It's real bad when I laugh or cough. But it looks good. There is no bleeding or secretion or anything gross. I've been able to move around and even go up and down the stairs without too many problems. Guess the meds are working good. I'm just so glad to be home. I can't wait for all of you girls to experience being a mommy, it is the most amazing reward.

Thank you all so much for the sweet messages and congrats. I love yall and miss yall, but I'll be back around when I get a hang of this. My mom has been a huge help. T's and P's to everyone who needs them : )

The birth story

So, you have no idea what kind of mess we went through before I even got check in to the hospital. Basically, they would not attend me much less look at me or talk to me until I had paid them. I had just finished paying my Dr. his half earlier in the day, which was my limit on my debit card, so there was no way my card was going to pass. What luck I have. I was supposed to check in at 6:00 and be operated on by 8:00. Well I had to call mom and she had everyone running around to ATMs taking out cash to send to me Western Union. My dad JUST made the 8:00 cut off to send the money and God's grace is the only thing that allowed us to make the 9:00 pick up cut off. Right before we got the call that the money was sent I went to my Dr.'s office to check on Gabe. I had been leaking fluid a good six hours by that point, I was a little freaked out and nervous. Luckily he was fine. I also was told I was 1cm dilated after doc shoved his entire arm up there to check. But frijolito was not interested in dropping, he was still way up high. On the way to the hospital after we got the money the contractions started. OH MY GOD. All I can say is bless you girls that have to go through that. I only had maybe a total of 10 before I got the drugs, but motherfvcker that was a pain I would rather not ever have to experience again. They got me all prepped and prepared and wheeled me back. That's when I lost it. I was so scared of surgery and the fact that I was gonna meet my son. I remember looking at the clock all freaked out at 10:20. I had no idea what I was in store for. That's when they gave the the epidural/spinal block thing. I don't even have words for that. They made me lay on my side and roll up into a ball while he did his thang. It was HORRIBLE. Just awful the way that felt. All I know is my right side felt like someone just poured gasoline on me and lit a match. I thought it would never end. Then my legs went numb. Actually my whole body was numb. My chest felt so heavy, I really had trouble breathing and could not talk despite all the things I wanted to say since I could hear everything. I also felt like I was gonna puke my guts out but somehow didn't. I told them I wanted to and I think they pumped some dramamine in my IV. I really did not like being awake for the procedure. It is a creepy feeling not having control of your own body and having to listen to the doctor talk and know what they are doing. I made them put a drape up so I couldn't see but when my legs went numb before they did it and he was prepping me I could see the reflection in the huge spotlight hanging over me and it was like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I remember them like pushing and pulling on me and then saying go get the father. Franco showed up and I could tell my the look in his eye he was freaked the eff out. He stayed by my side and rubbed my arm but I couldn't feel it really. I could not feel anything or move my head either. I wish he would have played with my hair but I couldn't even talk to him. Then the next thing I know I start hearing baby noises. And cries. And it was the best sound I have ever heard with these ears. I saw them take him over to the side and watched DH cut his cord while they sucked all the gunk out from his holes and pumped some kind of liquid with a tube down his throat. He was beautiful. I could not take my eyes off of him. My head mysteriously could move again and I could talk when they brought him over for a couple kisses before they took him to the nursery. He had hair! And was so white! or little guy could hardly open his eyes. But I was so proud of myself for making him. I asked DH if he had all his fingers and toes and he said through blurry eyes yes. Next I felt them finishing up. Like pressing on my body and legs and I heard snips so I guess that was the stitches? The absolute worse was the blood sucking up vacuum and the 5 gallons of blood i saw afterwards. Eeeeeeeeek. I thught they had sliced me from my pubic bone to my chest bone, but the Dr. said it's just a little bitty ole thing. I still haven't seen it, I think it will hurt more if I look. I'm all wrapped up. Like a gauze belly bandit lol. It's so weird not to have my tummy anymore. They brought him to me around 2am and I got to hold him a little while and breastfeed. That boy is a natural pro! He must have been hungry. He went straight for it and with a little tapping on the cheek stayed awake about 20 minutes feeding on the right side. But I just couldn't get him to take the left one. (Silly boy, it's the big one. You would think it would look more tempting) Then I slept til about 6. They came in and took my catheter out and gave me some more pain meds. I am sore. My back hurts from laying down in this stupid bed and I am just really sore where they cut me. It hurts to laugh or move or anything, but I will live. I am waiting on my awesome breakfast of tea water and jello : ( I really want a big fat something that's more filling. DH is sleeping on the couch. Mom will be here around 4:30, so he will have time to go home and clean before she gets here. Annnd that's all for now folks, meet my frijolito.

Gabriel David Franco born 10:43pm on May 11, 2011 (one day late for Mother's Day) He weighed in at 6.5 pounds and is 19.7 inches long. And he is already making his momma proud. He scored a 9/9 on his first test, the Apgar.

[Here I inserted the cutest photos in the whole world]

More Updates

05-11-2010 at 3:15 PM
I don't know if I just peed myself or my water broke

I didn't think it was possible for my water to break. Dr. said it almost never happens like that with the first baby or you have contractions first (well on Friday I was having ctx and didn't know it but these antibiotics were supposed to stop them?). Plus Gabe hasn't even dropped so how can it break?

I did go pee right, then I got up and felt a little trickle down my leg like three drops. Then I came into the room and like a little gush came out on the floor. Then a minute later another little gush. And now I'm sitting on a towel cause he said that is the best way to know for sure like bring in your panties. Well of course I don't have those on. My Dr. told me it wouldn't smell like pee if it was my water but it didn't smell like anything really. It's clear.Do I wipe it up off the floor and save it and take it in?

Does anybody have any idea how much is supposed to come out? I'm sitting here waiting for more but so far there's only been a little bit.

WTF. Do I call? Or start cleaning because my house is a wreck? How do I even know for sure?

I guess I can't go swimming anymore cause then I'll never know. That's where I was headed when this mess started.

ETA: I really don't want to be the douche that goes in there only to have him tell me I wet my britches.

05-11-2010 at 3:44 PM


My dog drank what fell on the floor. But I still have the towel between my legs and more is coming out. I am just waiting on DH to get home. I don't even have credit on my phone to call the Dr. or my mom.

I haven't showered or shaved or anything. My feet are gross and my house is such a mess : ( OMG it was not supposed to happen like this. If it's even happening. But yall freaked me out and convinced me it's the water so here goes nothing.

05-11-2010 at 6:06 PM

Final update before I go in and belly pic

Okay well I got to take a shower afterall. I am headed to the hospital right now at six and Dr. said they would do the c-section at around eight. Since I'm not having contractions and the only thing protecting him is the liquid and almost all of it has dripped out in the last two hours, it's the best way to go to get him here safely. I should be legit by ten tonight.I'm so freaking thirsty but can't have anything. And wish my momma and dad were here : ( Please keep us in your t's and p's.

Here is Gabe's last day inside:

I just have to say

I just came across some real old school stuff and I remembered just how much I love the phrase "Oh no you didn't!" I love my bump girls.

Appt. Update from 05/07

Ummm I might be meeting my baby in 10 days, not 21!!!

Here's how it went down:

I pee and get the gown on. Found out I've gained four pounds in one week and it's pure water or retention anyways. He pressed on my leg and it left like a 2 inch dent. No wonder where that swelling came from. My BP is going up. It's like 130/60 but that's higher than normal for me. Did an ultrasound. Gabe officially has the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck. But everything else looks great. He weighs 3 kilos - 6+ pounds. I'm having contractions and didn't know it. But I'm not dilating yet, more than half way there though. I also have some kind of slight bacterial infection in my vag and get to start using suppositories and taking some antibiotics, which he says will probably stop those contractions (the ctx also caused the infection?) And he has not dropped. So I stay home and rest and go swimming until next Friday. We regroup then and if the cord is still wrapped around his neck and he hasn't dropped I pick a date for a c-section. If I feel frequent contractions or anything comes out from down below I am instructed to call immediately.

I'm freaking out man.

The end of pregnancy

Last little survey thing I did was at 31 weeks. So much happened those last six weeks before the baby got here. It started feeling like someone kicked me in the crotch with a steel toe boot. I couldn't walk. I couldn't sleep. I could hardly manage to waddle to the bathroom 15 times a night without running straight into the wall or bedroom door. But I could still eat chocolate boy. And the chub rub - OMG. Since it's always like 200% humidity here and you have to wear clothes in order to not get arrested, I went with sun dresses. Well the bad thing about that is your thighs start to sweat and rub together giving you a heat rash looking thing. Pregnancy is so glamorous. My belly grew to epic proportions, my belly button got nice and stretched out, my legs were so swollen you could press on them and leave 2 inch dents. I did some nesting - some. I went to the doctor all the time. I swam and floated for hours on end. It was the only way to relieve the back pain and to let it all hang out in a bikini at 9 months pregnant (in my backyard of course) was so liberating. Plus, it was Dr's orders to get in the pool. Then this one day I was about to go swimming and went to the bathroom to change clothes and my water broke. I was always told with your first baby it never happened like that - that it only happens in movies. Well that was a crock of shit cause it did happen that way. It particularly came as a surprise since I had just chosen a c-section date (May 19th) due to the cord being wrapped around his neck and him not dropping down into the birth canal. Well he had other plans. He showed up a day late for Mother's Day on the 11th. Best day ever.

I think I am gonna start blogging more.

But first I want to go back and fill in the blanks, so bare with me. And by that I mean I am pretty much going to copy and paste posts from Thebump. For a few reasons:

I didn't work at.all. the last few months of pregnancy so I bumped all day instead. It gave me a place to be baby crazy and talk about being pregnant with a bunch of other awesome girls who have been through a loss. They get it. I shared all the ups and downs, joys, worries and pains with them. I didn't have anyone in real life down here to share it with. I really think being knocked up is the worst thing that can happen to an employee with internet access though. There is so much other stuff to look at and plan - bedding, furniture, clothes, toys, making registries. How can you expect someone to focus on work you are paying them to do? Pshh.
And it is the best way for me to make Gabriel a baby book. Since I don't have cool stores like Hobby Lobby I can't make him a super awesome little baby book like I want to. I can do an online photobook, but it's just not the same. I like scrapbooks. Like a lot. So I can go back and review and then be able to put one together this way.
Enjoy : )


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About Me

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♥ I took my first breath July 23, 1986. My name is Katherine, but everyone knows me as Katie. I am married to a wonderful man. I took his last name on March 15, 2008. I currently live in Cancun, Mexico, which has been my greatest adventure to date. And this is our story about trying to make a baby after two unsuccessful tries. The end. ♥