Friday, November 27, 2009

14 weeks!

I have officially made it out of the first trimester! Thank you, big guy. And tonight is my screening ultrasound. They wanted me to come in yesterday at 12:00 but that was nearly impossible. I had to work from 10-2 then rush home and throw together my Thanksgiving feast, which turned out incredible! We had a total of 10, including us, and they wiped their plates clean! And even took some to-go : ) I made turkey, honey glazed ham, green bean casserole, twice baked cheesy bacon mashed potatoes, delicious mac and cheese (thanks for the recipe Martha) and carrot cake and pumpkin pie. Oh and rolls, lots of rolls. Everybody was pleased and went home full. Mission accomplished! One of Franco´s friends even wants me to cook the whole meal for him and his family again for New Years, except he would pay me of course. We´ll see. I definately won´t be sipping champagne so I can´t imagine what else I would have to do.
If all goes well with my appt. tonight I just might be ready to tell the entire world!

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How far along? 14 weeks today! whoooo
Total weight gain: Not too sure, i´ll either find out tonight or on Dec. 9th at the next exam
Maternity clothes? Yes. They are more comfy. Still need to buy some pants though.
Sleep: Been getting plenty.
Best moment this week: My first Thanksgiving yesterday
Movement: Too early to feel it. But hopefully I see lots tonight!
Gender: 6 more weeks
Labor Signs: Not even close.
Belly Button in or out? Eww, in.
What I miss: A glass of wine suuuure woulda been nice with the Thanksgiving meal.
What I am looking forward to: My ultrasound tonight and finding out gender!
Weekly Wisdom: My baby can squint, frown, grimace, pee, and possibly suck his thumb now. Heyyyyy
Milestones: Making it out of first tri alive!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Stupid modern technology

So my appt. last night was a bust. My doctor´s computer is down. He said he still could have done the ultrasound, but wouldn´t be able to save it or put it on my USB. No thanks. I wanna take my baby with me when I leave. Supposedly the computer will be fixed and returned by today, but this is MEXICO and that is highly doubtful. He said Thursday at the latest and that the further along I am the better for the screening anyways since there will be more to measure and see. Well I was super freaking bummed and still am. I was so excited to see my frijolito again and get some reassurance and got nada.


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sigh of relief

My house is all mine again! My mother in law finally left yesterday so I can breathe a little easier. Franco is still pretty upset, or was yesterday, but things will be much better for us now that she´s gone. It felt so good to wash my own dishes and clothes this morning before work. Yeah, it was nice having someone else do it for a month+ but it feels way better to do it myself. I also had to nurish my flowers back to health this morning. I hadn´t watered them in a long time because so much rain came the last week with that hurricane that never hit. They already look better. My buganvillia in the backyard is getting huge! It is already growing up over the top of the fence. I will post a pic soon.
I am also getting excited about Christmas. I can´t wait for the trees to go on sale! My mom brought me gorgeous angels and crosses and I can´t wait to hang them on a tree.
And below we have the latest belly pic, taken Sunday on the ferry on our way to Isla Mujeres.

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How far along? 12 weeks, 4 days
Total weight gain: I was down 2 pounds at the last appt, but I will find out next Monday.
Maternity clothes? I did go back and buy the pretty maternity shirts. I have one on today and one in the picture above. I don´t really need them, but it makes me feel prettier and pregnanter : )
Sleep: Sleeping good, just more drool than ever involved.
Best moment this week: The trip to Isla Mujeres and my mother in law leaving yesterday!
Movement: Too early to feel it.
Gender: 8 more weeks til I find out, but I have changed my mind. I want a girl now!
Labor Signs: Not even close.
Belly Button in or out? Eww, in.
What I miss: ? Still beer.
What I am looking forward to: Baby bedding and decorating the nursery!
Weekly Wisdom: Baby is almost 3 inches long now!
Milestones: Coming to the end of the first trimester!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Jumping bean footage

Here is the video of my frijolito! At first he is looking at us head on. You can kinda make out the head and little nubs for arms/legs. Then he turns on the heartbeat and you can here it right before the 2 minute mark. Then he starts jumping around 2:30 to 3 minutes. That may be off a little cause I uploaded it to youtube and that kinda tweaked it. Hope this works : )

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I have a real baby in my belly!!!

And seeing him jump and kick and move and stretch last night was hands down the most amazing thing to date. This is such a huge milestone. I know I still have another couple of weeks til I am completely out of the danger zone, but I feel like I can finally get excited. Like it´s really happening. So I busted out and started filling in the pregnancy journal mom brought me this weekend. And I am gonna start these little things below. When I get my video back of my little frijolito, I will be posting : )

The beginning of a bump:

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How far along? 11 weeks, 4 days
Total weight gain: Down 2 more pounds, score!
Maternity clothes? Almost bought 3 shirts yesterday, might go back tonight. Althought I don´t NEED them yet.
Sleep: Not last night.
Best moment this week: Seeing frijolito last night and knowing he´s okay!
Movement: Not that I can feel : ) Just gas.
Gender: Don´t know. But I am gonna keep saying he til told otherwise.
Labor Signs: Not even close.
Belly Button in or out? Eww, in.
What I miss: Beer.
What I am looking forward to: Finally getting excited about this baby!
Weekly Wisdom: Don´t drink coke. It only makes you vomit, Katie.
Milestones: Hitting 11 weeks with a heartbeat!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

10 and a half weeks

Look at me go! I haven´t updated in a while, mainly because for the last month I have been dealing with my in-laws living in my house. I won´t go into details, but I have been stressed and annoyed to say the least. Good news is MY momma is coming to town on Friday!!! I need her and am so excited. She is also bringing me lots of goodies and some things to make it through pregnancy. Ya know, like Gas X and Colace, things I can´t find here. It´s like Christmas is coming early because she´s also bringing me lots of candy and things for my sewing machine too! And a new digital camera. I had an accident at the beach a while back. So, belly pics coming soon!

I forgot how much I like to sew. You should have seen how much dust I had to clean off of the machine. I guess when I was forced to stay up all night (I am the best procastinator you will ever meet) to finish dresses and garments for fashion school kinda sucked the fun out of it. I´m assuming that´s why I haven´t touched it in the past two years. My virtual friends (lol) started a sewing club. Our first project were baby blocks that double as toys and decorations. I did a total of four and have to say I was thoroughly impressed with the outcome. Soon as that digital camera shows up I will post them too. It really gave me a way to connect to the baby and I felt like such a mom making things for my offspring. It inspired me to make a whole lot more things. Could this be early nesting?

Also, I was dead set on having a boy. I have always imagined having a boy first to protect his little sister I will have later. Plus I kinda want a momma´s boy and I hear they are a bit easier to take care of as far as attitudes go. Of course with my past pregnancy history, all I am shooting for is healthy. Gender doesn´t matter. BUT I am kinda leaning towards a girl now. I already love bows, ever seen my tattoo? Can you imagine the possibilites? I guess I can´t wait to have a little girl to play dress up with and have little tea parties. Yay for pretty little dresses and lace and bows : ) Plus, I have this gut feeling I am gonna get a girl and she is gonna give me all the karma I deserve and all the things I did to my mom growing up are gonna come back at me ten-fold. I deserve it : )

My next appointment is Monday. I will be 11 weeks and some days. I feel like it will be the scariest appt. so far. Last week and this week are critical to me because it´s when my angel babies stopped growing and beating their sweet hearts. I just don´t think I could handle seeing that on the ultrasound again. It´s good mom will be here to hold my hand, but I hope just as much as she does that she gets a sneak peak at her first grandbaby and it is big and strong. It will finally look like a real baby too, not a shrimp.

And that´s all I´ve got.

Friday, October 23, 2009

9 weeks today!

Ahh! I don´t know how to feel. Excited I made it this far and still have symptoms, but also terrified. Right about this time is when both of my pregnancies took a nose dive south without sending me a memo. I have to wait until November 9th for any further information/confirmation the baby is still alive and healthy. That BLOWS! I think that will be the hardest appointment yet. I was nervous for the first two ultrasounds, but the next one doesn´t even compare. It´s like do or die.

Positive note: 4 weeks til first trimester is over! Hook it up father time!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Follow up ultrasound

My baby had a strong heartbeat!!! 156 beats per minute. Such a good feeling. The Dr. told me to relax and just keep eating healthy as that is the most important thing. I´m still not giving up bread. He obviously doesn´t know who I am. And with the urge to barf 70% of the day, carbs really are the only savior sometimes. He did give me some anti-vomit meds though. I have this nasty gel stuff that I am supposed to drink after eatign and before laying down. Tried it last night and it worked this morning. I didn´t puke pure stomach acid! Whoooo! Cause not only is the taste disgusting, it really kinda hurts your throat too. Then he gave me some hardcore pills that I can only take if I am in a meeting or somewhere in public really important where I absolutely can´t ralph all over the place. Hoping I don´t have to ever use them. The ¨relax¨ part is much easier said than done. But I am trying my hardest. I just feel more pregnant this time than any of the others, mainly because of the nausea, but I really think that makes all the difference in the world. I was so thrilled to see my little frijolito on that screen with his heart just pounding away. I just can´t help but think it could come to an end at any moment and my stupid body won´t give me any sign, like the last 2 times. It´s seriously allowing me to not be excited or enjoy this whole experience. Luckily 5 more weeks is all i have left to make it out of the danger zone. Deep breaths...

More Baby Franco pics! He looks more like a baby this time huh? And look at that heartbeat blob how much closer it is together! Grow bebe grow!

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Friday, October 9, 2009

Introducing..... frijolito!!!

So, overall everything went just fabulous at the ultrasound! I noticed his little heartbeat right away, before the dr. even had a chance to say anything! Yessss!
Side note - I will continue to use he, him, his, until I am told it is pink.
His heartbeat rate was 108, which is a bit slow for my liking, so I get a follow up ultrasound next Wednesday. He measured at 6weeks 2days and I would have been 6weeks 5days based on my last missed period, but I can deal with that. That means his little corazon JUST started beating : ) My progesterone was working. The doc showed it to me on the screen all colorfied and stuff. But he sent me in yesterday to have it drawn again in case I needed supplements - and I did. The initial draw was 12.3 and it´s only risen to 12.4. I know it´s low, but I am not going to let myself Google where it SHOULD be because I don´t want any more stress than I already have(alot). I am just going to try even harder to eat right and make him grow big and strong like his daddy. I am almost tempted to take 2 pills instead of 1 haha. I want it to rise and maintain my pregnancy, despite the medical debate of whether the supplements even help with that.


Now for the fun part.... pics!

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And he was being shy and facing the other direction, so I outlined his head, shoulder, tail (knees and toes)

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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Hoping this dream really does come true

Why is it that when you are pregnant you have vivid dreams? I sure never had them before. After my 3am wake up call from vomiting vial, I somehow went back to sleep and had the BEST dream. I dreamt that our little mexican bean was jumping away inside my belly and had a nice strong heartbeart. I am gonna pretend it was foreshadowing.

Oh man it is gonna be one long night and work day tomorrow.


Monday, October 5, 2009

49 more hours...

Til I get to see my wee one!
The nervousness is kicking in. Butterflies and gas mixed together is strange.
Please, please, please let there be a little frijolito in there with a heartbeat. I know it´s early, but I am gonna panic probably if I don´t see one. Or at least go get an ultrasound somewhere different in a week. I´m blaming babycenter - they sent me an email 3 days ago telling me his heart was beating! So the next two days I need to get my self together and be prepared. This is not fair! When all you´ve ever gotten is bad news, it´s SO hard to enjoy these special moments...

And the pacing begins...
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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Thank you, Bebe Franco

For a sign that you are in there. Not the most pleasant one though. The morning sickness has begun. But in all honestly, whoever created that term needs to get checked. It should be called all-day neverstops sickness.

Yesterday I got some exercise. Go me! I had to hike to Carl´s Jr. for lunch and then back to work (I got chicken fingers and a salad, much better for baby than a six dollar burger). Then, en la tarde, I took a stroll with Bella to the nearest pay phone - about a mile there and back total. I have feet blisters to prove it. My husband decided to go out for beers with his coworkers and I had no credit on my phone to call him and tell him how miserable I was, hence the second stroll. I began gagging the last block home. The other day I read someone talking about the force of the actual throwing up process during pregnancy and how it is way faster and stronger than say, a normal stomachbug. Boy, was she right!

Glad to feel shitty for a change. But squirt and crackers doesn´t quite settle it. You girls on the other side of the gulf just don´t know how lucky you are to have access to your ¨preggo pops.¨

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Do they sell Gas-X in Mexico?

I seriously need some. This is nuts. Two days now... We are talking record-breaking ripping ass. They last anywhere from 30 seconds to a minute long. Maybe I should buy my coworkers these? Cause I have no shame in my game.

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5 weeks, 4 days

Keep on keepin on lil jumping bean! It dawned on me this morning that this pregnancy is almost the exact same dates as my 1st one. I remember freaking out and calling my mom saying ¨We have something to tell you, we´ll be there in 4 hours,¨ right around October 1st. My due date was supposed to be May 30th, RIGHT after I graduated from good ole Wade College. It´s just crazy how your heart won´t let you forget certain dates. This time around I plan on having my baby in my arms May 30th, May 28th to be exact.

I am kinda crappy about updating my blog. But most of the people who read it already know what´s going on from thebump. That 7:30 appointment I had scheduled was a bust anyways. When i walked into his office, there were girls still waiting to see him for their 5:00 appointments. He got caught up in am emergency surgery. I was bummed and refused to wait with anticipation for another day, so I called the other Dr. I had in mind. He just so happened to be in the same building as the other one and got me in at 8:00. It was interesting to say the least. Overall, I was pleased. The office and staff were nice and clean. At first I thought he was gay because he had the pinkest, shiniest lip gloss I have ever seen on. That made me feel a little better about him being all up in my lady-bits. But later the nurse came in and said his wife called to say he needed to go pick up their son. Dang. It´s just strange having a man doctor. Want to know what else is strange? When he squeezed the living daylights out of my nipple and something came out. He then tells me that it´s Prolactin and has been known to cause miscarraige. Gee, thanks for the encouraging words, doc. So 5,000+ pesos of bloodowork later, everything comes back ¨normal¨ for where I am at in pregnancy. He stressed to me that I need to eat healthy and take it easy. Apparently I had some toxins or something in my urine and it was because I was eating like crap. Some of the things that happened during this appointment made me question his abilities, but then I thought, maybe he knows something we don´t, and he squeezed my chi-chi for a reason. The only iffy things that came back from my bloowork were my progesterone (12.5 i think), which it a little low but fine for now. And some of my white blood cells that are my immune system defences. Which I totally believe now that I am sick as a dog.

Needless to say, he freaked me out over nothing. The next step in an early ultrasound on Oct. 7th. I will be 7 weeks or so then and he mainly wants to check out the sac and what lies around it. He says there may or may not be a baby that early. I guess the lining around the sac or the fluid around it will tell him if my progesterone is working or not, and if needed he will prescribe me the supplements then. I can´t help but me nervous about the ultrasound, especially knowing I probably won´t see anything. All I have ever gotten is bad news.

Everyone keeps asking how I am feeling. Here´s your answer: Good. My nipples are still sore, my appetite is in full swing, and certain things make me gag. And i´m gassy.

Breaking news: Franco just came to get the car so I have to Mike and Ike it to the plaza to get some lunch. Awww man : ((

Monday, September 21, 2009

7:30 appointment

From now on I am going to make super sure and ask AM or PM when they give me an appointment time. I almost couldn´t sleep last night because I was so excited. Set the alarm for 6:20. Even straightened my hair for the new doc. Ya know, since he´s gonna be so concerned with my hair and not my vadge... Did I mention it is a MAN doctor? That´s a first for me! So yeah, we get there and the office is CLOSED. It doesn´t open until 8:00... So I get pissed at the recepcionist first. And we wait a little longer (Franco has to be at work at 8) and it dawns on me (insert lightbulb here) Maybe it´s 7:30PM since they take a 4 hour lunch break/siesta from 5-9. Seriously. Mexican time is SO throwed off. They go to work late, eat lunch late, then leave work late. No thanks. Oh and if ANY Mexican tells you ¨al ratito¨ (in a little bit) that can range anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 days, FYI. So now I have to have butterflies and be excited all day, blah! Mom even texted at 9:00 and asks yay or nay? She got a CALL ME in response. On a positive note, I have my parents blessings. I think they are happy and are ready to be grandparents. Yay for babies! She only bought an antique crib like 3 years ago, she´s been ready : )

Subject change: swine flu. At first I was totally against the vaccination as they haven´t done very much testing on it. Then I marinate on it a little longer and have a change of mind. They wouldn´t have APPROVED the thing if they didn´t think it was safe. And the flip side is much worse than getting the actual shot. Living in Mexico where sanitation isn´t one of the top priorities, I think I need it more than alot of other folks might. Mom doesn´t even want me to get on a plane next month to come home because the virus can travel 10 rows in front AND behind you in a plane. Uyyy. Plus I´ve been doing some reading and asked around what other pregnant women´s doctors said and they are all for it. PLUS technology and medical studies/practices have come ALONG way since that whole deal in the 70´s where everybody ended up paralyzed who got the injection. I´m doing it and I don´t care what you think. And even though I have the worst luck in the Americas, I am not gonna let that be a factor in this pregnancy either. I am gonna have this baby until somebody who is highly trained tells me otherwise!

And I tested again on Sunday morning. I honestly don´t think Franco believed it or was able to get too excited until I did either. He said this one looks alot more ¨chido¨ : ))

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Saturday, September 19, 2009


Apparently I really suck at updating my blog. A lot has gone down since I last updated, but the most important would be the fact that I got a positive pregnancy test yesterday! Ahhhh! I first tested back on Tuesday morning because I wanted to see a negative result before I went out and got trashed for Mexican Indpendence Day. And it was worth it, we had a really really bad ass time. I love boxing. And I love the month of September in Mexico... here I was thinking people were proud to be from Texas. Oh no, the whole country of Mexico turns tri-colors during September. There´s just excitement in the air and a ton of brown pride. Plus the lights and decorations on the Municipal building are way cool. Still need to get over there and take some pics...
So, thanks to a dear friend who peer pressured me into to peeing on a stick, I did.
Here it is for what it´s worth. I swear I am not a nut and there IS a 2nd line. The ghetto blackberry camera just wasn´t cooperating.
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And here is how I suprised the husband. I had the bib and the test on top of the toilet to see when he woke up.
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So yeah. We are thrilled. Salome is especially just over the moon. He´s already kissing my tummy. We feel so blessed to have the chance to be pregnant again and really hope this is it for us. We want to take the baby home this time. Please say some extra prayers for us if you have them.

What´s next you ask? Well, here is my plan for this pregnancy. I just called and made an appointment for 7:30AM (could it be ANY earlier?) Monday morning with an ENGLISH speaking doctor (score!) to do some bloodwork to confirm it. I am choosing not to do a second or third round of bloodwork to see if my numbers are doubling. Just not gonna do it. I am going for the naive, first-time pregnant approach. Let the dr. tell you you´re knocked up, ask your questions, take a little advice, and then I want to schedule a semi-early ultrasound around 8 weeks and find out then. All the numbers and early ultrasounds and stress really don´t make a difference in the end. What will be will be. I just really hope I have a strong healthy baby with a beating heart. I want to go to sleep and wake up in 20 weeks and find out I am having a boy, that sounds perfect!

So, for now, I just pray and wait. And repeat these to myself daily:

-Today I am pregnant and I love my baby.
-I am pregnant until someone tells me otherwise
-My past does not dictate my future. A previous m/c does not mean I will have another m/c.
-Just because something sad is happening to a friend, does not mean it will happen to you. We all know m/c and complications are not contagious!
-Hope does not make bad things happen. You cannot ‘jinx’ your pregnancy by creating a ticker coutndown, getting excited, or telling someone. Live in the positive!
-There is nothing I can do to prevent a m/c from happening. Worrying myself sick doesn't prevent a m/c. And if (God forbid) it were to happen again, I know I will survive.

Monday, August 24, 2009


It´s Monday. I can´t even think of a title. Just wanted to say that now my lovely husband is playing his part in Trying To Conceive - that boy started taking a multi-vitamin : ) I know that´s not really a big deal, but it feels good to know he cares enough to take it. I love him! I also am really amazed at his optimisim and confidence. Yesterday we were taking our normal Sunday drive and talking about the future and our babies and how exciting it will be to be pregnant again. I mentioned how I was going to be so scared and worried about losing the baby the whole time again and he says, in the sweetest most sincere tone of voice, ¨oh my gosh Katie why are you even thinking like that? That it´s going to happen again.¨ It hurt my heart. He really really does not think I will have another mc. I sure hope he is right. I also have done some talking with myself and think I have finally convinced myself that I will not do early bloodwork, progesterone supplements (well, maybe these) and early ultrasounds this time around. When it comes down to it, it will either be a good pregnancy or a bad one. The past has proven that no matter what I do early on, it´s either viable or not. So I am going to try to be as naive as all women are the first time they get knocked up and call the doctor when I get a postive test, go in around 8 or 9 weeks and find out then. What I do with myself in those 4 weeks in between, only God knows. Hope he has a plan to keep me distracted. Maybe I will bust out the sewing machine again!
The plan for this month is lots more sex. I am going to shoot for every other day. Maybe more if I am feeling up to it. I have already started the green tea til O time. And I have tried to figure out how to say pomegranate in Spanish. I need some damn pom juice! Jugo de.... granada?? I think that might be right. I did see some healthy natural juice crap over in a corner of a new supermarket the other day... it looked like the Odwalla stuff, just not Odwalla. Might pick up some tussin too.

Oh look, it´s almost 7:00!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Game Over

So I had been feeling really hopeful the other day. Like really hopeful. When I finally bought the folic acid I was like ¨wow, there is a chance I might actually have a baby in my belly¨ and I got excited. Well this morning the curiousity was KILLING me.... I even bought a bib has a monkey on it and says ¨Troublemaker¨ to give to Franco when I get a positive pee stick... I broke down and took a test this morning as soon as I got home from the store. Clearly, it was negative : ( My body told me thanks for playing, better luck next time.

Then, I kid you not, two and a half minutes later I get kind of crampy and feel the urge to go to the bathroom. Sure enough, Aunt Flow decided to come to visit SIX DAYS EARLY! wtf. My body told me thanks for playing, better luck next time... m

AND my cycles have always been normal, unless I screwed up my birth control on occasion, which I have been on for years. Now, I am thinking I get the pleasure of dealing with screwy cycles since the pills are out of the question.


cycle # 1 = FAIL.

But in better news, I finally found some Ovulation Predictor pee sticks too! Guess I am gonna go back to the store and buy them.

Note to self: start peeing on them Cycle Day 10 at 2pm - repeat until I get a ¨surge.¨ Figure out what surge is.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Wow, it´s been a while. Guess you can tell I have been trying to distract myself this 2 week wait. Longest.few.days.ever. My little ticker countdown thing I have on the bump says to test in 3 days (the 23rd) - when I set it up I did it based off of a 28 day cycle, probably shoulda been 30. I am trying to hold out until the 27th, that´s when AuntFlow usually shows up at the front door. We will see. Franco is really excited and even just texted me to ask when I am going to test. Symptoms? Sore boobs, a little tired, nothing to obvious yet. We shall see...

God, if you are listening, please let this be it. You know how horrible my patience is.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tuesssssday afternooooon


Ooooh oooooh this my shit. Green tea is my new bff. For a while anywho.

Do you know how bad I want to start peeing on OPKs? I seriously think I might go on a mission tonight. There are how many farmacias in this town? Chingos! Surely one will have them. I checked Wal Mart and another super store - no luck yet!

I am so glad I have not reached the point where the only reason/motivation to have sex is a baby yet. It makes me feel really sorry for those girls on the Bump board when I read those posts. I still enjoy sex with my man! Although I will confess, this will be in the back of my mind during tonights lovemakin session


Wondering who I can pursuade to buy me this.... I would die.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Sunday Funday

For as long as I can remember, we have had our Sunday morning sex session. And the one Sunday we didn´t, last Sunday, turned out to be one of the worst days in history. We both mentioned to each other that we thought this had something to do with it.

Yesterday, we did it in the ocean. Gotta switch it up, ya know?

...8 days til O.

ps - Sex in the ocean is WAY better than sex on the beach. You don´t get sand all up in your crevices.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Checklist

Getting pregnant
[ X ] Kick the pill (or any type of birth control)
[ X ] Figure out when you’re ovulating August 11th
[ ] Learn to record cervicalmucus texture i´ve read about it...
[ X ] Read up on conception and ovulation basics lol
[ X ] Potential daddies -- stayout of Jacuzzis it´s too damn hot for a jacuzzi anyways!
[ X ] Consider charting basal body temperature I considered it, but not going to just yet.
[ X ] Potential daddies -- trade in the briefs for boxers
[ ] Think about an ovulation predictor kit i want some, but have to find them - def. not at Wal Mart.
[ X ] Have sex!
[ X ] Lose the lube
[ X ] Find the right position
[ X ] Spice it up in the bedroom

Diet & fitness
[ ] Work on getting any weight problems under control Haha
[ X ] If either of you smoke,quit go me! i did that a whiiile back
[ X ] Get on prenatal vitamins
[ ] Balance out your diet working on it, getting better anyways
[ X ] Get moving
[ X ] Start weaning yourself off alcohol
[ X ] Begin limiting the lattes i am gonna miss me some red bull : ((
[ X ] Scale back on extreme exercise no prob
[ ] Decrease your stress
[ X ] Get plenty of sleep
[ X ] Potential daddies -- avoid cottonseed oils ???

Doctors, tests & checkups
[ ] Interview OB/GYNS - I called, just have to make the citas
[ ] Schedule a preconception checkup
[ X ] Make a list of preconception checkup questions
[ ] Discuss your (and your partner’s) medical history with the doc
[ X ] Get immunized
[ ] Visit the dentist
[ ] Talk to your doc about genetic testing

Money & Home
[ X ] Talk it out -- make sure you and your partner are on the same baby-making page
[ X ] Check your home for harsh chemicals and asbestos it´s new!
[ X ] Check out your health insurance Unfortunately... not applicable
[ ] If you’re self-employed,apply for private disability
[ X ] Plan a baby budget We have a nice lil savings for baby Franco

Entry # 1

So a little background...

We, or I rather, got pregnant unexpectedly back in 2006. Then again right before we got married in 2008. Both resulted in missed miscarriages and that is enough about that.

Now, we are married, have a house of our own, and I guess are as ¨stable¨as we ever will be. This is the house (pre-flowers and garden work by yours truly)...


We want to fill it with little Mexican babies!!!

So here´s the game plan. I went home to Texas in June and bought prenatal vitamins. Been on them ever since. Going to pick up folic acid tonight, even though i have said that for two weeks. Aunt Flow came to town Monday, after an ever so fitting shitaeous Sunday, and has yet to leave. I give her another couple days. I took my last birth control pill like Friday of last week. Soon as the witch leaves, we have a short wait. Then the FWP week begins, but I am not just going to limit it to a just a lil ole week. This means F*ck With a Purpose, btw. I will also be partaking in making something edible out of pineapple core. You are supposed to buy a pineapple the week of ovulation, cut it into 5 portions and eat one piece everyday starting the day after you O to help with implantation. It contains bromelain - google for more info. Next comes the 2 week wait to see if your FWPing paid off. I purchased a box of 3 pee sticks at Target and am really hoping that will be all I need. I feel confident about this time around and pray that the 3rd time will be a charm. Wish me luck!


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About Me

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♥ I took my first breath July 23, 1986. My name is Katherine, but everyone knows me as Katie. I am married to a wonderful man. I took his last name on March 15, 2008. I currently live in Cancun, Mexico, which has been my greatest adventure to date. And this is our story about trying to make a baby after two unsuccessful tries. The end. ♥